The Amazing and Inspirational Story of Jermaine Griggs

You might have heard of Jermaine Griggs by now...

If not, he's the guy who's making a killing teaching people how to play piano.

He started with $70 bucks when he was just 17-years old... and that was for the domain name,, when they ran you that much.

But what's amazing about his story is that he went with his passion... what he loved to do. I don't want to ruin the story (because you'll be able to get the full scoop on October 23, 2007), but let's just say he went from living in the inner city of Long Beach, CA to being one of the highest paid piano teachers online these days.

Did I mention he teaches people ONLY how to play by ear? Who says you can't turn a small niche into a fortune?!?

Look here, he just launched a private club on Tuesday, October 23, 2007 where he's going to reveal each month, everything he's done to build a company from $70 to over $3 million in the last few years in such an obscure niche.

Sneak peak at:

(If you've heard him speak, he's been known to wow audiences with his innovative strategies. He was even crowned 'Marketer of the Year 2007' at Yanik Silver's recent Underground
Marketing Seminar' so he knows what he's talking about).

Rush over to
to get a sneak peak at what he's doing and I'll keep you updated as things unravel.